Why Are Raccoons Considered Pests?

Why Are Raccoons Considered Pests?

Few people can resist the dangerous amount of cuteness of raccoons. The narrow, pointy muzzle, the large black eyes ringed with white, the front paw fingers resembling human hands, and the striped bushy tails make the little buggers hard to resist. Not to mention their extraordinary intelligence and ability to get into almost any place, pick locks, pull out drawers, and open door latches in search for food, rightfully earning their reputation as the “masked bandits.”Raccoon | National Geographic


But as awesome little animals as they may be (sometimes competing with dogs and cats for people’s affection), raccoons remain wild animals with a destructive nature. Due to the major property damage they cause to the house and garden, they are usually not welcomed on people’s property and considered pests. So Why Are Raccoons Considered Pests?

Damage to House

  • Stink up the place: During spring, females will start looking for a safe place to stay and give birth to their babies, and the warmth and comfort of your house can easily make it a perfect substitute for a natural den. And although they aren’t out to ruin your home or endanger your health, they can do both by moving into your attic, getting inside the chimney, or taking residence inside wall voids or under decks.


  • Destroy insulation: Since they are large mammals (weighing between 11 and 14 kg), raccoons can easily trample insulation just by walking on it. Pregnant females will compact large areas to sleep and nurse their babies, causing extensive damage and reducing the insulation’s effectiveness in keeping the house cool in summer and warm during winter.


  • Damage roofs: To gain access inside a structure, to obtain bedding material, or sometimes just for fun, raccoons will rip off shingles, break or chew fascia boards, chew holes into soffits, rip apart ducts, or break attic vents. A small opening (usually no larger than 4-6 inches) is enough for the rascals to get inside.


Damage to Garden


Toronto Racoon Removal


  • Damage crops: Raccoons are particularly fond of a sweet corn garden, which they will invade a couple of days before harvest. They rarely damage corn until mid-June, which marks the beginning of the corn reproductive stages (the milk stage of development). Depending on the size of the plant and the height of the animal, raccoons will either feed standing up or climb the stalk to get to the higher ears. For the affected crops, this type of damage often results in 90-100% yield losses.


  • Kill poultry: Raccoons can reach through the wire of cages and pens to get to the poultry kept inside, and many times they mutilate the birds by trying to pull them through the wire by their head or legs. Their MO involves biting off and tossing adult birds’ heads, chewing the contents of the crop and sometimes the chest, and throwing the rest away.


  • Dig up soil and damage lawns: Raccoons, as well as skunks, can turn out to be a real problem for homeowners, particularly in the spring and fall, when they start looking for earthworms, grubs, and other soil insects through the freshly laid turf. This is usually done by young raccoons that are learning to find food on their own or during periods when other food is scarce.


  • Use your woodpile as their latrine: Raccoons typically dump their feces in communal sites called latrines, and they usually prefer to leave their droppings at the base of a tree, on logs and stumps, or inside a woodpile. If you’re storing firewood outside, and your house is often visited by raccoons, chances are they either use the woodpile as a latrine, endangering the health of anyone who comes into contact with their contaminated urine and feces, or use it as a temporary den.

How Can You Stop Them?

Raccoons in many urban and suburban environments are learning that residential properties are safer, warmer, and more comfortable than the usual hollow trees they use as denning sites; moreover, they also provide a seemingly infinite supply of food and water. Convincing them to leave is, thus, a rather challenging task, especially considering their persistence and resourceful nature.

If you have been noticing raccoon damage around your house and outbuilding, the best thing to do is let professionals handle the difficult, and sometimes outright dangerous, task to deter the animals from your property. A combination of exclusion techniques, scare tactics, and trapping will likely be used to eliminate existing populations and limit raccoon nuisance on your property. Contact your local company to schedule an inspection and determine the size of your problem and the best course of action.

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at www.pigeonpatrol.ca

Pigeon / Pigeon Patrol / Pigeons Roosting / Vancouver Pigeon Patrol / Bird Control / Surrey Pigeon Control / Pest / Vancouver Pigeon Blog / Birds Inside Home / Pigeons in the cities / Ice Pigeons/  What to do about pigeons/ most common types of sparrows , Damages Caused by Sparrows, How To Keep Raccoons Away,  Why Are Raccoons Considered Pests?de-fence, Pigeon Nesting and Breeding Patterns and Behavior What Do I Do With a Bird Trapped in My Wall? Professional Bird Control Company Keep The Birds Away From Your Business Why Are Raccoons Considered Pests?

Problems Caused By Pest Birds

Problems Caused By Pest Birds

Do you wanna know what the problems are with pest birds? then keep on reading!

Pest Bird Problems – Problems Caused by Pest Birds

Birds problems can cause damage to buildings and agriculture environments. Many bird problems are due to poor planning and /or design. Nimby Bird Control Solutions has a team of experts who first study the bird problems and develop a plan of action to address the particular bird problem faced by each client.

Nimby Bird Control Solutions is committed to environmentally sound methods of bird control. This includes a number of bird control techniques including netting, spikes, electric shock and other bird deterrents. Our methods to address bird problems first begin with a thorough examination and understanding of each bird problem situation.

Types of Bird Problems

Pigeon Nesting Bird Problems

Nesting can cause fire hazards and extensive damage to roofs, eaves, structures and machinery. Nesting around building ventilation systems will cause them to clog and work inefficiently. Birds nesting can introduce bacteria and viruses into buildings. Spores, parasites, fleas and ticks can become serious health hazards in affected buildings. Nests in chimneys and vents can block exhausting of moisture and carbon monoxide. This can cause build up of mold and carbon monoxide causing health hazards.

Pigeon droppings Bird Problems

Bird Droppings are not just unsightly. They contain allergens and health hazards. They are also highly corrosive and harmful to buildings, machinery. Bird droppings can lead to clogging of the ventilation ducts and obstruction of drainage systems. Damage to equipment and machinery, buildings and roofs can be very expensive to repair. Unpleasant odors can permeate through ducts and ventilation systems. Bird droppings and feces, when inhaled, can cause an incurable disease called histoplasmosis which is characterized by constant flu-like symptoms. Source

Property damage Bird Problems

Property Damage to roofs, eaves, chimneys and machinery are among some of the issues faced by property managers. Bird droppings contain corrosive matter including uric acid. They are extremely harmful to machinery and equipment and are often the cause of expensive damage to stored items as well. Bird droppings can accumulate and block gutters and result in water damage to roofs and walls.

Appearance issues Bird Problems

Appearance issues Nests, droppings and debris cause appearance problems as well as safety and health concerns. At entrances to buildings, stores and restaurants they can be unsightly and a reason for drop in traffic and sales. Depending on their locations, bird droppings in high traffic areas can cause safety concerns. Around paths and walkways, and at entrances to stores and buildings, bird droppings and bird feces are slippery and unsafe, can spread bacteria and health risks.


Hill Pigeon - eBird

Safety hazards

Safety Hazards are frequently less understood. Birds carry allergens, parasites, bacteria and other health risks to humans. Histoplasmosis, encephalitis and other infectious diseases are spread by birds. Birds nesting around air-conditioning equipment can spread these contaminants throughout buildings and cause a phenomenon called sick building. Birds introduce parasites, fleas and ticks in the environment around their nesting areas and building ventilation system. Air circulation can quickly spread odor and contaminants throughout the building.

Food Contamination Bird Problems

In warehouses, food manufacturing plants, grain silos, storage facilities. Grocery stores with open displays, exposed food shelves and other such facilities require special attention. Birds often find ways to nest and breed around such buildings. Contaminated food, stored items may have to be destroyed and extensive expenses incurred for cleaning and sanitation.

Bird Problems in airport hangars and small twin engine planes on tarmac

Aircraft Hazards – there are a number of bird problems besides bird strikes that are faced by municipal airports. Birds find nesting areas and form colonies around aircraft hangars, maintenance buildings. They can cause slippery hangar floors due to their droppings and thus jeopardize people’s safety. Birds will also lead to unhealthy work environments, foul parts prior to installation, cause hazardous situations when birds inhabit aircraft mechanisms. Bird droppings are extremely corrosive and cause expensive damage to the paint on aircraft. Birds also nest or loaf around airport jetways and loading bridges. Nimby Bird Control Solutions has effective bird control solutions designed especially for bird problems at aircraft hangars and airports.

Birds in agricultural fields Bird Problems

Agricultural Damage Bird Problems have a direct impact on the economics of agriculture. Birds feed on seeds or seedlings, damage or destroy ripened crops or pass bacteria on the crops possibly spreading disease or harmful bacteria. The birds may also eat or defecate on stored food. In small numbers, these bird problems are manageable. Left unchecked, they can have a significant adverse impact on farming operations, fish farms, orchards and vegetable farms. In recent times cormorants have become a serious concern in the upper great lakes region.

About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at www.pigeonpatrol.ca

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Birds That Are Considered As Pests

Birds That Are Considered As Pests

Looking for more information about which birds are considered pests? Read on to learn more!

The Birds That Are Pests

There are six types of birds found in Canada can be classified as nuisance pests, which are the house sparrows, starlings, pigeons, woodpeckers, gulls, and Canada geese

The house sparrow is a bird of the sparrow family Passeridae, found in most parts of the world. It is a small bird that has a typical length of 16 cm and a mass of 24–39.5 g. Females and young birds are coloured pale brown and grey, and males have brighter black, white, and brown markings

Starlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds in the family Sturnidae. The name “Sturnidae” comes from the Latin word for starling, sturnus. Many Asian species, particularly the larger ones, are called mynas, and many African species are known as glossy starlings because of their iridescent plumage

European Starling Identification, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of  Ornithology


Next on the list is the Pigeon, Also known as the rock dove. Pigeons are known for causing diseases and damage due to their droppings. The droppings trigger human slips and falls as well as accelerating the aging of structures and statues.. Other pests that live on these birds are fleas, lice, mites, ticks and more. Pigeons vary in color but most of them are bluish gray with 2 black bands on the wing and black tip to the tail.

Rock Pigeon Source


Woodpeckers are part of the family Picidae, that also includes the piculets, wrynecks, and sapsuckers. Members of this family are found worldwide, except for Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Madagascar, and the extreme polar regions. A woodpecker will attack for many reasons. The attack can be for food, shelter or to attract a mate. The reasons for attack include finding insects for food, often carpenter bees, or for a nest cavity or roosting site, or for other social reasons.


Gulls, or colloquially seagulls, are seabirds of the family Laridae in the suborder Lari. They are most closely related to the terns and only distantly related to auks, skimmers and even more distantly to waders


Canada Geese

The Canada goose is a large wild goose species with a black head and neck, white cheeks, white under its chin, and a brown body. It is native to arctic and temperate regions of North America, and its migration occasionally reaches northern Europe


How to identify Birds

Canadian bird pests vary in length, overall size, and colouration. The smallest pest bird species, house sparrows are approximately 14 to 18 cm long with a wingspan of 19 to 25 cm. At the other end of the spectrum, Canada geese boast a wingspan as long as 182 cm and range from 90 to 120 cm in length. Some of the most common bird colourations include shades of grey, white, black, and brown. Pigeons, which rank as arguably the most colourful bird pest, may appear with streaks of light blue, green, lilac, peach, and various other shades.

Signs of an infestation

Birds are not exactly stealthy creatures, and infestations usually become evident with the increased presence of adult birds, the frequent occurrence of chirping and other noises, the sighting of nests, and an increased quantity of droppings in the area.

Birds Removal

Modifying the surrounding environment can aid property owners in ridding buildings of nuisance birds. Netting or spike strips can be strategically positioned to deter or prevent birds from landing and nesting. Noise devices, such as generators that mimic the sounds that natural predators make, work best in agricultural settings, while visual scare tactics are effective in the short term or when paired with other prevention and exclusion techniques. For particularly aggressive birds and those protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, call a fully licensed pest control professional to take care of the problem legally and effectively.

How to prevent Birds from invading

Monitor water accumulating at likely nesting sites, fix any broken or deficient drainage systems, cover outdoor garbage containers tightly, eliminate any notable sources of food.

Habitat, Diet, and Life Cycle


Many of the pest birds in Canada are migratory species which fly south when the temperatures approach the freezing point. Many pest birds have a widely distributed population and benefit greatly from the development of cities and the distribution of human populations. Some species construct nests and raise their young in elevated areas, while others nest on the ground. Birds generally prefer to live in the immediate vicinity of a water source but have no trouble flying reasonable distances to collect food. Most species adapt well to various surroundings.


Pest birds mainly eat fruits, seeds, grains, and insects. Many species live in close proximity to people and often feed on human food like bread, popcorn, peanuts, cake, discarded restaurant fare, and similar items. Much to the dismay of farmers, pest birds frequently target crops and livestock feed, as well. Gulls and Canada geese in particular maintain special dietary preferences. Gulls often feed on fish, rodents, and carrion, while the geese mostly consume plants like cattails, clover, and grass.

Life Cycle

Without exception, birds mate and rear their young in the spring and summer months. On average, pest birds produce one or two broods each year. House sparrows, however, can produce as many as five generations annually. Most birds require an incubation period of two weeks, though the eggs of both Canada geese and gulls require nearly a month of incubation. Newly hatched birds then leave the nest after an average of two to four weeks of preening. Depending on a variety of factors, nuisance birds typically live between 2 and 10 years.

Commonly Asked Questions

How worried should I be about birds?

Pest birds can carry parasites like fleas, mites, and ticks, and transmit diseases to humans and livestock. Pigeon excrement often contains the fungal diseases histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis, which are especially dangerous to people with compromised immune systems.

Many bird species are noisy and can damage buildings and equipment. Not only are pest bird droppings unsightly, they can stick to buildings, potentially eroding the structure.

Pest birds can also create drainage issues and fire hazards by nesting in the small crevices, drains, and gutters of buildings. Many bird species are also aggressive towards humans or native bird populations.

However, dealing with pest birds can be difficult, due to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which protects certain species from trapping and relocation practices. Any attempt to remove a pest bird must also comply with the Fish & Wildlife Act.

While netting, spike strips, noise devices, and visual scare tactics may be valid options, often only a professional, licensed pest control service can meet the regulatory standards required when it comes to removing and keeping away pest birds.


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at www.pigeonpatrol.ca

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