Being that pigeons are indiscriminate eliminators of all kind of waste they are always seen gathering around the areas where people live. This bird normally splatters droppings and always drops liquid wherever they traveled to. More so, pigeons do not care about cleanliness and always contaminate water. The wastes from these birds are seen to be corrosive which affect everywhere there is their droppings. But the problem with Rhode Island pigeon has resulted to reason why people do not want to have the birds around them.

Some the Ways to Get Pigeon Out Of Your Attic
There are many ways to get pigeons out of your attic but the Rhode Island method you applied will determine the result you will get. One of the most effective ways to remove pigeon from your attic is by spicing things up by adding some spices on your attic. Really, whole pigeons do not like spices and sprinkling cayenne pepper, cinnamon pepper and other will help to scare pigeon away from attic. You have to ensure that you are generous with the spices and repeat the application of the spices.

Get Pigeon Out Of Your Attic by Using String Tied One End to Another
Pigeon always like to relax when they gather in a particular place. For that reason, preventing them from getting a well relaxed place will prevent them from occupying a place in your attic. For that reason, what you simply need do in order to avoid Rhode Island pigeon from taking a place in your attic is to use string and tie one to another of a sport where the pigeons normally like to roost. This will prevent the birds from finding a place to balance themselves while they gather in your attic. You can easily do this using waterproof string and you will achieve the result you have been expecting.

Remove Pigeon Out Of Your Attic Using Sticky Chemicals
Pigeons are among the birds that normally love to feel comfortable where they love to perch. For that reason, if you can make it difficult for them to enjoy comfort in a place they gather you will be able to get rid of pigeon from your attic. Simply by spraying sticky chemicals that will make it difficult for the Rhode Island birds to perch you will get the birds away. You will easily buy sticky chemicals you need to scare birds away from your home when you check out the stores near your area.

Use Anti-Roosting Spike Strips to Get Pigeon Out Of Your Attic
Apart from applying sticking chemical to your attic when you want to scare Rhode Island pigeon away from your attic, you can also do same with anti-roosting spike strips. You can easily buy the spike stripes on the hardware store near your street. The setup method for the anti-roosting spikes strips will depend on the manufacturer. For that reason, you have to find out more about the setup method of your anti-roosting spike strip when you consult the manufacturer of the product. You can equally learn the set up tips from the Providence hardware store where you buy the spike strips.

Repel Pigeon with the Use of Natural Pigeon Repellent with Ease
There are natural and store-bought pigeon repellents which you can use to get pigeon away from your attic without passing through stress. One of the natural ways to repel pigeon from your attic is to spray water on the pigeons using water from the garden hose. The Rhode Island pigeons will be uncomfortable to stay in your Providence attic when you frequently spray the birds with water out of your garden hose. You can also exclude pigeon from getting into y our attic by repairing your home and also rebuilding your fences. There are also other kinds of repellent you can easily use to get pigeon away from your home and attic but most of the methods are not really safe. That is why you have to make sure that you select the most suitable and most efficient way to repel the Rhode Island pigeons that have been affecting your home.

Eliminate Food Sources to Get Pigeons Out Of Your Attic
Food sources are among the things that can easily attract Providence pigeons to your attic. For that reason, if you want to get pigeons out of your attic one of the best ways to do that is through removal of food sources. The food sources include grass, barriers as well as cat and dog foods. For that reason, you are going to get the Rhode Island pigeon out of your attic by simply removing all the things that will attract pigeons from your home. These and more are the easier way to prevent pigeon from entering and getting into your home at any point in time.


Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal -friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Bird Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Canada’s top wholesaler for bird deterrent products for twelve consecutive years.

Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at

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