Pigeon Patrol says,” When will people ever learn about feeding the pigeons!

Who Ya gonna Call!!
POSTERS urging people to stop feeding pigeons are to be put up in Colne town centre. Complaints have been made about people feeding the birds. Leaflets are to be made asking people to think twice before feeding them.
Colne councillor Dorothy Lord said:
“People are coming up with loaves of bread and sitting down on their phones and throwing the bread out to the pigeons. It is causing problems with the amount of pigeons in the town centre. There is also the risk of a rat infestation with the bread left behind on the streets.“The extra pigeon muck is not nice for people in the town centre and it means the area has to be Power washed to clean it up.”“It’s not a nice experience for people in the town centre when there are so many pigeons about. We’re not taking thousands of pigeons but they do breed very quickly so we soon could be.”
This Town really needs bird or pigeon deterrents right away. The kind that Pigeon Patrol manufactures, bird spikes, bird netting , 4-S gel and Ultrasonic Repellers.
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