SAFFORD — The Arizona Game and Fish Department is offering a free clinic and workshop for youth dove hunting Sept. 1-2 in Safford.

The event is geared toward youths who are first-time hunters. Game and Fish wildlife managers and local sportsmen will teach hunting and firearm safety, dove ecology and management, species identification, how to prepare equipment and clothing for a hunt, where to find doves and how to hunt them, as well as cleaning and cooking doves.

Participants will meet at 6 p.m., Friday, Sept. 1, at Dry Lake Park, 250 E. 2760 W. Dry Lake Road, Safford, after which youth hunters will be able to practice shooting clay pigeons at the trap range, free of charge, shotguns and shells included. Coaches will be available to provide instruction, as well as range safety information and techniques.

The program includes a dove hunt for participants the morning of Saturday, Sept. 2, in the Safford area with an experienced mentor/hunter. Parents are encouraged to accompany the youth hunters. Shotguns and ammunition will be available, but participants may also bring their own.

Participants will need to provide for their own transportation to the hunting area, unless prior arrangements are made. The Southeastern Arizona Sportsmen Club will provide lunch after the morning event.

Attendance is free but limited to 20 young hunters ages 9 to 15 with an adult partner. Hunters will be registered by phone or e-mail on a first-come, first-served basis.

Participants age 10 and older must purchase a valid Arizona youth hunting license ($5), which is not required for those under 10 hunting with a licensed adult 18 and older.

There is no cost to young hunters because of generous contributions from the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Southeastern Arizona Sportsmen Club and the hunting community.


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